Devencenzi Ag Pest Management & Research has been providing services for San Joaquin County’s agricultural community for the last 36 years. We provide Pest Management services to the area as independent advisers. We work directly for the growers, providing the information needed to best address their pest management needs.
Pest control recommendations are part of our service, when given a recommendation our clients are free to purchase the products needed from the retailer of their choice. These services, along with many Ag Support services, are offered on most of the crops grown in our area. Our emphasis is on cherry, apples, and walnut. We also work with many other crops such as other stone fruit, wine grapes, table grapes, pears, silage corn, small grain, and alfalfa. We have been advising both conventional and organic systems operations over this period of time.
Over the years we have added a Research component to our business, providing field research for major manufacturers of fertilizers, pesticides, and other agricultural products. We can provide a hands on realistic approach to the usage of products that are either being looked at for registration or already are registered on the crop and are being developed to a further degree. Applications are made with a specialized calibrated research sprayer that was designed and built solely for our company. The research trials are conducted on local orchards or fields, which in itself is beneficial as it relates to real conditions.
Our field techs are students pursuing a career in agriculture or the sciences. The duties of our field techs include sampling, trial setups, data collection, and data input. Many of our field techs have moved into careers in farm management, irrigation systems, law, and pest detection.
The Chill Portion Accumulation Project that we have started is another example of our service to the industry. We have been accumulating this data for our clients over the last 2 winters, this year we will be able to provide Chill Portion information to most of the major San Joaquin County cherry growing area, at no expense to the local cherry growers.
This touches a little on what we are about and how we have been changing to better meet the needs of our clients and the industry.
Mr. Devencenzi has served or is currently serving on the following boards and commissions:
• AAIE – Professional Member Status
• California Cherry Board – currently a research committee member
• California Cherry Advisory Board – previous research committee member
• California Cherry Growers & Industries Foundation – current board member Past Cherry Man of the Year recipient
• Mid Valley Apple Association – past president and board member Past Diamond Apple Award recipient
• Enhancing Western Orchard Biological Control Group – advisory committee